3.6.0 * Updated dependencies to fix possible compatibility issues with other plugins * Translation updates

3.5.1 * Fix image path for WordPress installation

3.5.0 * Update database table definitions to work with utf8mb4 without innodb_large_prefix

3.4.2 * Translation updates * Tiny code improvements * Lower positions will now be shown as better (requires Matomo 3.13)

3.4.1 * Compatibility with upcoming Matomo 3.12.0 * Removed obsolete Code for importing Google Crawl Stats & Errors * Translation updates

3.4.0 * Use imported keywords for (subtable) reports of more reports: * Acquisition > All channels > Channel type * Acquisition > All channels > Referrers * Acquisition > Search Engines * Show related reports for reports showing imported keywords to show originally tracked keywords instead * Translations for German and Albanian

3.3.2 * Fix sorting for keyword tables * Improved compatibility with Roll-Up Reporting plugin * Translation updates

3.3.1 * Ensure at least one keyword type is configured for Google imports * Deprecated Property Set and Android App imports * Improve sorting of keyword reports by adding a secondary sort column * Added proper handling for new Domain properties on Google Search Console

3.3.0 * Fixed bug with incorrect numbers for reports including day stats for Bing * Improved validation of uploaded Google client configs * Updated dependencies * Deprecated Google Crawl Errors reports (due to Google API deprecation). Old reports will still be available, but no new data can be imported after end of March '19. New installs won't show those reports at all. * Translation updates

3.2.7 * Fixed notice occurring if search import is force enabled

3.2.6 * Allow force enabling crawling error reports. * Improve handling of Google import (avoid importing property set data since it does not exist)

3.2.5 * Security improvements * Theme updates

3.2.4 * Improve handling of Bing Crawl Errors (fixes a notice while import) * Improve Google import handling of empty results * Security improvements * UI improvements * Translations for Polish

3.2.3 * Various code improvements * Translations for Chinese (Taiwan) and Italian

3.2.0 * Changes the Combined Keywords report to also include keywords reported by Referrers.getKeywords * Adds new reports Combined imported keywords (which is what the combined keywords was before) * Replaces Referrers.getKeywords reports in order to change name and show it as related report * Move all reports to the Search Engines & Keywords category (showing Search Engines last)

3.1.0 * New crawl errors reports und Pages > crawl errors showing pages having crawl issues on Google and Bing/Yahoo!

3.0.10 * Improved error handling * Row evolution for combined keywords reports * Fixed error when generating scheduled reports with evolution charts

3.0.9 * Renamed Piwik to Matomo

3.0.8 * Possibility to show keyword position as float instead of integer

3.0.7 * Added commands to trigger import using console command * Various UI/UX improvements

3.0.6 * Now uses Piwik proxy config if defined

3.0 * Possibility to import keyords & crawl stats from Google Search Console * Setting per website if web, image and/or video keywords should be imported * Possibility to import keywords & crawl stats from Bing/Yahoo! Webmaster API

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