5.0.5 - 2024-08-26 - Pricing updated

5.0.4 - Added plugin category for Marketplace

5.0.3 - Updated README.md

5.0.2 - Added code to disable setGoalFunnel for rollup sites - Added code to invalidate cache on privacy data delete

5.0.1 - Compatibility with Matomo 5.0.0-b4

5.0.0 - Compatibility with Matomo 5 - Updated condition to add sites for invalidation based on new parameters from Archiving.getIdSitesToMarkArchivesAsInvalidated event

4.1.3 - Added code to show notification when users doesn't have access to all the child sites of a rollup

4.1.2 - Added code to not add site for invalidation if config set for force aggregaion, #PG-820 - Created migration script to delete unwanted archives, #PG-820

4.1.1 - Stopped adding sites for invalidation if force_aggregate_raw_data_for_day and force_aggregate_raw_data_for_day_segment enabled in config

4.1.0 - Migrate AngularJS code to Vue

4.0.3 - Removed unique visitors from visit summary for weeks and month if config values not present

4.0.2 - Fix Transitions for Page Titles report did not work correctly for a roll up.

4.0.1 - Compatibility with Matomo 4.0

4.0.0 - Compatibility with Matomo 4.0

3.2.7 - Add new option to disable archiving of unique visitors/users for roll up segments

3.2.6 - Support enable_processing_unique_visitors_multiple_sites setting from Matomo core

3.2.5 - Add primary key to table for better replication

3.2.4 - Add config setting for more efficient archiving of roll ups

3.2.3 - Support more languages

3.2.2 - When a Matomo user requests the invalidation of reporting data for a specific site, the reporting data for all parent roll-ups will now be invalidated as well

3.2.1 - Support Custom Reports

3.2.0 - Add possibility to add several sites add once to a roll-up

3.1.1 - Renamed Piwik to Matomo - Hide some non-compatible plugins when viewing a Roll-Up

3.1.0 - Possiblity to assign Roll-Ups to another Roll-Up in order to nest Roll-Ups

3.0.3 - Remove line break in visitor log when site is not a Roll-Up

3.0.2 - Added new feature to assign all websites to a Roll-Up with just one click

3.0.1 - In All-Websites-Dashboard do not sum Roll-Ups to total value

3.0.0 - Initial version

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