Use gravatar image for visitor's profile picture

This plugin use a SHA256 hash of the user email to retrieve the picture.

1 - Install the plugin from the marketplace or via GitHub and enable it

Install this plugin from the Marketplace as super user or download the plugin and install it on your server from FTP in the /plugins folder.

2 - Add _paq method to your tracking code

This line of code should be placed before _paq.push(['trackPageView']);.

  _paq.push(['ProfileGravatar.setGravatarHash', '<?php echo hash('sha256', ''); ?>']);

(This demo use PHP to hash user email)

Don't forget to adapt `' with your own data

(You can also use the request parameter &gravatar_hash=XXXXXXXXX to send hash directly from HTTP request).

3 - Enjoy user profil picture un the UserID report or Visit Summary profile

How to install this plugin

This plugin is available in the official marketplace of Matomo. You have to install the same way as other plugins

  • Go to the administration panel
  • Look for the Marketplace section and select "Plugins" in the dropdown
  • Then search for "ProfileGravatar", install and activate the plugin.
  • Follow the documentation to install the API fetch method to get the data you want.

Is the plugin active for all Matomo users in my instance ?

Yes, if you choose this plugin for your Matomo instance, all users will be able to use it.

How can I contribute to this plugin ?

You can help me develop this plugin by contacting me. You can also create the project and request an integration. Any way you consider legitimate to contribute is welcome.

How long this plugin will be maintained ?

As long as possible, I have many project to maintain, I'm the first user of this plugin and I use Matomo on many project, if I see errors, I'll patch this plugin faster as possible !

  • Gravatar user profile picture

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