Bot Tracker is a plugin to exclude and separately track the visits of Bots, Spiders and Web Crawlers, that hit your site. Because Matomo doesn't store the user agent, Bot Tracker will only be able to track new bots from the moment you add them to its list forward (retroactive tracking isn't possible).

Many web crawlers, spiders and bots don't load the images in a page and don't execute JavaScript. So you cannot track them with Matomo if you don't use the PHP-API. The Bot Tracker can only track those that were caught by Matomo itself. With that said, many crawlers today are using headless browsers, and they do execute JavaScript.

How it works

The plugin scans the user agent of any incoming visit for specific keywords. If the keyword is found, the visit is excluded from the normal log and logged separately in Bot Tracker reports.

If you enable the "extra stats" for a bot entry, you will get more in depth data about the Bots visit, and you will get this in the widget Bot Tracker: Extra stats.

You can add/delete/modify the keywords in Administration -> Bot Tracker -> Configuration.

Track bots identified with Device Detector

As additional tracking of bots, you can collect the bots identified with Matomos Device Detector, either with activating the setting in Administration -> General settings -> Bot Tracker, or with setting this in config.ini.php:

track_device_detector_bots = 1

This is for collecting data for identified bots user agents, which you could use for setting up more in detail tracking with Bot Tracker.

Installation / Update


Sources of information for Bots, Crawlers, Scrapers etc

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Are you tracking data full of bots? That traffic is normally not useful for you, it is just clutter. Bot Tracker removes those visits from your normal data, and also provide separate reports so you could see which bots are visiting your site.


BotTracker is a plugin to exclude and separately track the visits of Bots, Spiders and Web Crawlers, that hit your site. Because Matomo doesn't store the user agent, BotTracker will only be able to track new bots from the moment you add them to its list forward (retroactive tracking isn't possible).

Many web crawlers, spiders and bots don't load the images in a page and don't execute JavaScript. So you cannot track them with Matomo if you don't use the PHP-API. The BotTracker can only track those that were caught by Matomo itself. With that said, many crawlers today are using headless browsers, and they do execute JavaScript.

How it works

The plugin scans the user agent of any incoming visit for specific keywords. If the keyword is found, the visit is excluded from the normal log and the corresponding counter in the bot-table (bot_db) is increased.

If you enable the "extra stats" for a bot entry, the visit will also be written into a second bot-table (bot_db_stats). This second table logs the timestamp, the visited page and the user agent. This table is exposed in the report Bot Tracker: Extra stats.

You can add/delete/modify the keywords in Administration -> System -> Bot Tracker.

Source of Bots, Crawlers, Scrapers etc.:

Installation / Update



GPL v3 / fair use

Matomo Plugins by Digitalist Open Tech

This plugin was created by Thomas--F and was taken over by Digitalist as part of contributing back with Matomo 5 upgrades.

For more information about plugins provided by Digitalist, see our plugin page.

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